Product Description
Astato XS 40 0.014 inch - Asahi Intecc USAAstato XS 40 0.014 inch, 200 cm, PAGHW143094, Straight, 200, 0.009/0.014 (0.23/0.36), 17, 17, Hydrophilic with Uncoated Distal Tip. Astato XS 40 0.014 inch, ...
ASAHI Astato XS 40 - Vascular Perspectives0.014Inch hydrophilic guide wire; Uncoated ball tip; 40 gf tip load; Tapered tip; 17 cm spring coil 17 cm radiopaque segment; 1:1 torque; One piece core wire with ...0.014inch hydrophilic guide wire; Uncoated ball tip; 40 gf tip load; Tapered tip 17 cm spring coil; 17 cm radiopaque segment; 1:1 torque; One piece core wire with ...Find out all of the information about the Asahi Intecc product: catheter guidewire ASTATO XS 40. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote ASAHI Peripheral Guide Wire More Detailed Information of .... Lesion; Regalia XS 1.0 0.36mm(0.014inch) Sub-total/Tortuous; Astato XS 20 0.36mm(0.014inch) Highly Calcified Lesion; Astato XS 40 0.36mm(0.014inch)ASAHI PAGHW143094 Astato XS 40 Peripheral Guide Wire